A girl has narrated how she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her. She said her boyfriend borrowed her car a lot of f times but one day, she saw the car with another girl and through the argument, she found out he was cheating on her.
She stated this on Twitter and said she called the police and through the trail, the boyfriend who refused to pick her call ow called to tell her to lay off the police on his trail.
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I would lend my boyfriend my car a lot of cause of the work he did at times, one day I just came out of the store and I see my car there thinking it’s my boyfriend. so I wait for him than this lady goes to my car and opens it I’m like Hello Sorry this is my car she’s like No This is my boyfriend’s car we use it together she’s like I don’t even know why I’m explaining cause I don’t know you need.
“I’m like this is my Car I lent it to my boyfriend ( I said he’s the name and everything) I told her I bought this car in 2016. It’s not he’s a car, you are driving my car.”
Now everyone watching cause we are arguing she’s acting all tough like saying I’m lying and stuff I’m pissed off now I tell her if you don’t give me the car I’m going to the police and reporting this stolen. Try calling my boyfriend he’s not answering this girl is calling me names I eventually just decided to call the police now cause I realize if I put my hands on her it won’t end well. She went off with my car and later that day my car was tracked and now my boyfriend is calling asking why are the police here and I didn’t wanna talk you could hear he was stressed.
He comes to my place now I’m still not talking to him he talks and tries to lie that she an ex I’m just not talking I tell him to please leave I’m tired. He did leave he tried to call me afterwards kodwa I wouldn’t answer I had he’s stuff delivered by uber by the way He’s girlfriend actually apologized to me, later on, I don’t know if the police scared her or finding out that what I was saying was true I withdrew the charges than after against her
Someone asked where’s my community car now I still have it. I never even named my own car and it’s already given a name out here wow.