Elder Uba Ina Obasi, House of Representatives Aspirant for Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal Constituency on Saturday, 14th of May 2022, paid a visit to the Abiriba Enachioken Ancient Kingdom to officially declare his interest to the Abiriba people.
Lord Chief Eme Uche Eme, a one time House of Reps aspirant, reiterated that Elder Uba Ina E. Obasi is a man to be entrusted with a communal cum public service.

“His antecedents and transparent track records of good leadership and community development are second to none. He is widely believed to be a man of his words and to that effect, I request everybody to give him all the support he desires to see him at the Green Chamber come 2023. He is transparent, credible, accessible, accountable, people-oriented and above all truthful” – he said.
HRM, Barr. Kalu Kalu Ogbu, Enachioken of the Abiriba Ancient Kingdom who was pleased with his humility and transparency accorded him his unflinching support and blessings urging every indigenous people of Abiriba and its inhabitants to support his vision.”
It’s an honour to see a man of vision and intellectual capacity meshed with the fear of God to represent our people at the National House of Assembly. You have our full support” – he said.