Actress Omoni Oboli Eulogizes Mum In Her Post

Actress Omoni Oboli eulogizes her mum as she writes about the sacrifices she made for her kids even though she never had anything. She talks about how she would have spoiled her if she was around now.
Code name: Sister Lizzy!!! Super Power: Ability to make something out of nothing! 
The ultimate superwoman!!! 💪🏽👊🏽🙌🏽
My mom God rest her soul, was a single mom with 2 young daughters, aged parents and siblings who depended on her. She was just a teacher (happy #WorldTeachersDay) and we all know teachers have their reward in heaven so she constantly struggled to make ends meet. More often than not, ends didn’t meet but she made sure we were always happy and loved. 
I remember one Christmas, I must have been 9 or 10 years old and as usual, Christmas was in the air and we were so excited about it. You can imagine how deflated Onome and I were when momsie told us she couldn’t afford Christmas clothes and shoes for us that Christmas. She just didn’t have any money for it. It made us sad but we understood. Onome and I planned to stay indoors on Christmas day so the kids in the neighbourhood won’t know we didn’t have new clothes and shoes. 

On Christmas morning, we woke up and started the preparation for Christmas food. My beloved mom surprised us with clothes and shoes! I can never forget as long as I live! She got a tailor to make us beautiful dresses (I’m sure on a budget or on credit) and she had bought some nice white okrika (secondhand) shoes. She had washed the shoes and left them to dry in the bathroom. We were over the moon! Thinking about it now still brings hot tears to my eyes. She hardly bought herself new clothes but she made sure we looked sharp every time. I remember my French teacher thinking momsie was our maid cos she looked poorer than us. Ah! Imagine if she was alive today! I would have given her the world! 
My mom was everything a mother could be and more. I could write a whole book on how beautiful, loving, selfless and totally AMAZING she was. My mom could go to war and take on the whole world if anyone messed with us! Her quiet strength still resonates with me even today! Thank you for all you instilled in me mama! I am strong today because of you! Thanks for good genes and good hair too 😉 My everyday wish is to make you proud. Love you and miss you everyday! #MamaDiMama #SisterLizzy #MyHero

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