New Minimum Wage: Otti Sets Up Committee

The Governor of Abia State, Dr. Alex Otti, has stated that a committee has been established to determine a solution for the minimum wage, taking into account the limited resources of the State.

During a media chat called “Governor Otti Speaks to Abians” on Friday, he announced that a committee has been set up to ensure that a proper solution is worked out bearing in mind that every employee’s salary will be increased, not just the civil servants.

Pointing out that the initiative to return civil servants to the classroom has been paused because the government cannot force those without a desire to teach into the classroom.

He mentioned that his government is identifying individuals who studied education or attended Teacher’s Training Colleges and is also planning to create special incentive packages for teachers.

Speaking about the Supreme Court’s pronouncement on Local Government Autonomy, Governor Otti clarified that an election would be held, and the State Government is making preparations for a seamless election.

“The timetable for the Local Government election is not out. There are a few thing needed to be changed in the law. We will be approaching the House of Assembly to ensure a seamless election.”

Speaking further, Governor Otti clarified that the rumour about salary disparity among workers is unfounded. Instead, the undue advantage was addressed after a thorough investigation.

When asked if the investigation into the former Commissioner for Health, Ngozi Okoronkwo, has been concluded and what the result was, Governor Otti said that there was no stolen money, but there was an abuse of laid-down rules. Unfortunately, he mentioned that “she threw in the towel.”

He concluded that the retirement age for nurses will be increased from 60 to 65 from next week.

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