NBA Appoints Inibehe Effiong as Member Citizen Liberty Committee

Human rights activist and lawyer Inibehe Effiong has been appointed to the Nigeria Bar Association’s Citizens’ Liberties Committee and was charged to monitor and ensure that the authorities carry out their statutory duties of inspecting police stations and other detention facilities in the various states of Nigeria and the FCT.

In a statement released on Friday, Inibehe, who has been vocal about human rights abuses in the country, announced his appointment by NBA President Afam Osigwe, SAN. Inibehe expressed his commitment to serving humanity and working alongside other members, such as Nuhu Egya (Chairman), Malachy Ugwumadu (Alternate Chair), Adeyanju Deji, and Maxwell Opara, to help the President achieve his goals.

Thousands of Nigerians are being held in detention centres across the country due to wrongful detention. A committee was tasked with monitoring the centres and rescuing victims of such offences.


I have been appointed by the President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Afam Osigwe SAN, as a member of the newly established Citizens’ Liberties Committee (CLC) of NBA.

I thank Mr. President for offering me this very important platform to serve humanity.

According to the newly inaugurated President of the Bar, “It is believed that thousands of citizens are suffering in unlawful custody in many detention facilities/centres in all the States of the Federation. The Association no doubt has a crucial role to play in monitoring and ensuring that the requisite authorities carry out their statutory duties of inspecting Police Stations and other detention facilities in the various States of Nigeria and the FCT.”

The Citizens’ Liberties Committee “shall collaborate with the NBA branches to liaise with the Chief Judges of the States and the FCT to ensure that all Police stations and other detention facilities in each State of the Federation and the FCT are visited and inspected by Magistrates and Judges once a month, in accordance with the provisions of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act/Law.”

The President further stated that the CLC “shall also direct the Human Rights Committee of each branch of the NBA to accompany Chief Magistrates and Judges to conduct monthly inspections of all Police Stations and other detention facilities in Nigeria, in accordance with the provisions of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act/Law. It shall also encourage citizens to participate in the monitoring and inspections of Police Stations and other detention facilities by Magistrates and Judges and to report through the Human Rights Committee of Branches.”

Other members of the Committee are: Nuhu Egya (Chairman) Malachy Ugwumadu (Alternate Chair), Adeyanju Deji, and Maxwell Opara.

I see this appointment as a call to service, and I shall do my best to assist the NBA President and the NBA generally through this important committee to secure the liberties of Nigerians.

I congratulate the NBA President and all members of the National Executive Committee of the NBA on their inauguration.

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