A lady has called out her mother’s family especially her uncle who beat her up and maltreated her just because she stood up for her mother whom they constantly abuse. She disclose how the family has always insulted her mother and they all kept quiet so they will not seem ungrateful but she couldn’t take it again when her mum’s younger brother started insulting her mother.
lady_lionness-Today I wanted to write about my late dad then this happened to me… I am 26years old and my ucle (mums youngest brother) did this to me. I lost my dad at d age of 3 that’s in 1995 in a ghastly motor accident, like the typical African ways that seemed like culture my dads family took everything from us, and my mums abandoned with five of us, I am d last… To cut d whole story short we’ve lived our lives being grateful to my mums family for accepting us as my mum didn’t re-marry even though she was 100% responsible for our school fee, feeding, clothing … All of this has been with a lot of challanges , we’ve watched our mum took no decision for us without her immediate families consent, we’ve watched our mum been insulted by the wives of her brothers and we did or said nothing, we’ve watched her step sis and her children said and did ugly things to her and we said nor did nothing just so we will not be labelled as ungrateful people.
But today I was beating this much by my mums younger brother, the one who lived under our roof while my dad was still alive and even after his death, one that all d days his lived with us he has never helped my mum carry a cup of water WHY because i stood for my mum, because I said enough is enough 23years of tolerance is enough cos my mum takes it no matter what as she loves her siblings dearly but the revers is the case. The person that did this to me is 36years old, a man I learned money wen he needs, a man that calls me late at night to make him quick nuddles and I did…, I man that also beats his girlfriend that has paid his school fee several times. I know my social status but I just have to post this as if it concerns my mother I will put my life on the line and this will not stop me. The man that did this to me (my Uncle) his name is Abdulmajeed and I will be posting his picture soon. Stop the abuse against Women, widows, orphans… #letlovelead
my name is Maimuna Muhammed.

lady_lionnessThis is the picture of the 36 years uncle my mums blood brother that pilled my my skin at the age of 26 because of his step sister and her daughter who has constantly insults, abuse… my poor widow mother his name is Abdulmajeed Yusuf I beg that this be reposted and shared his facebook name is Abdulmajeed Yusuf
How can people be so wicked to their own blood?