Amber Rose weighs in on Bill Cosby’s sexual charges and calls out people supporting the man. She asked that does it mean that all the women who accused him are all lying? She said that anybody raped will also find it hard to open up because the person will think that no one will believe her.
Mannn fuck the fact that he’s old and fuck the fact that he was on TV He is a sexual predator! ( I hope they get their day as well) So y’all are going to sit here and tell me that all of these women are lying?
FOH!!! If Bill Cosby raped and drugged any of you Women/ Men that I’ve been seeing on the Internet standing up for this RAPIST or your mamas you would be scared to say something too Because you would assume that no one would believe you. Shit, I would actually be scared to say something because his entire life he has been put in such a positive light. That’s why he got away with it for so long! We should be praising these women for showing us exactly who he is. Justice is finally served! Shame the rapist not the Survivors. Byeeee