We’ll Keep Collecting Money From Politicians Until Proven Guilty in Court – Bishop Gichere

On Sunday, April 21, an Anglican bishop of the ACK Mt Kenya Central Diocese, Timothy Gichere, said they would continue to collect money from politicians until they were found guilty of corruption by the court. Baring his mind on the issue of churches receiving cash donations from political leaders, he took a swipe on leaders who were at the forefront condemning churches for accepting political’ gifts.’

The Anglican Bishop who insisted they would continue to accept money from the leaders until the court finds them guilty of corruption added that it is hard for the church to distinguish “clean money” from that which was acquired through unscrupulous means.  Bishop Timothy Gichere further said that no one should judge another leader for their generosity, but instead let the courts determine whether or not they are corrupt.

“When leaders come to church and contribute money with clean hearts, we can’t decline because we are not in a position to know if the money is gotten from corruption and we are not there to rebuke and label people as corrupt because that is the obligation of the courts,” he said on Sunday.

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