Tenant Outsmarts Landlord, Packs Out with Soldiers

A tenant has outsmarted his landlord and fled with three years old rent after some soldiers feigned came to pack his loads.

According to a fellow tenant, some soldiers came to the house and beat up the guy, packed his loads and left but they later found out that it was a planned aft.

He wrote, “Soldiers came to our compound yesterday to pack my neighbour’s properties in a big truck.
Dey handcuffed my neighbour and started beating him mercilessly. No one could move near them or say a word.

After they finished packing all his properties, they bundled my neighbour inside the truck and drove off. Even my landlady that he owed three years rent was dumbfounded.
Luckily for my neighbour, his wife and kids were at his mum’s place since the lockdown began.

I just saw my neighbour’s close friend this morning and he said I shouldn’t tell anybody that my neighbour wanted to pack out without paying the rent owed, so he planned with a soldier friend of his to help him pack his load.🤣🤣🤣🤣”

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