The owner of Whitehouse restaurant, Alhaji Aliu Sheu has been murdered in cold blood by a gang of eight robbers.
According to an eye witness who shared the incident on Twitter said that Alhaji Aliu was robbed a night before the incident by a gang of two.
He was the only one robbed in the building and was robbed of all gadgets including his atm card, the robbers withdrew #360,000 from the account. He reported to the police station but they didn’t take it seriously and the robbers returned the next night to finish the job they started.
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They said death is inevitable and only Allah giveth life and take it but the death of my brother ALH. ALIU SHEU the C.E.O of popular buka in Sabo yaba knows as the Whitehouse restaurant was accomplished by evil doers.
He was robbed in his home a night before the incident 20/1/2020 at exact 2:46am. They robbed only his apartment (2nd floor)out of the whole building in which they collected all the gadgets (7) the house and his atm card and they withdrawal of 360,000 naira from ATM and transfer. Following morning he went to police station to report the incident at PEDRO POLICE STATION and the incident was kept lowkey so far robbery has become something of regular occurrence in our country. He returned back to his regular business at his regular resumption hour as usual Like nothing happened even I didn’t know this until later at night when I overheard it and was waiting for the next morning to ask him for the full story. The following night 21/1/2020 at exact same time as the previous one 2:44am. Robbers don’t come back after a successful work.
The previous gang was just 2 and had no guns but this particular killers came in 8 gang fully armed with guns, forced their way in and shot him twice (in the chest and right arm) and left. We rushed him to nearest hospital but he gave up before we got there. Things like this don’t happen without an underground or background target. We know he has gone but we demand justice from @PoliceNG @rrslagos767 @PoliceNGLagos and the Lagos state government @jidesanwoolu to take adequate step so this doesn’t happen to another family.
We also need to know if we also safe in our very own country, to also know if other family members are safe. We are still in shock to see a devoted Muslim brother who doesn’t belong to any cult or group to be killed like this. Whoever did this shall never no peace till they get caught.
Whosoever ended his life prematurely shall be useless till the end of their lifes.
May Allah grants him al-janat Fridays. No family deserves this pain