In September 2017, NDDC awarded a contract to a company to reconstruct Owo-Ohafor-Umunkiri-Nenu-Mgbokonta Road in Obingwa LGA of the state for N199.7m with duration as 12 months. The project is currently 0% completed. Meanwhile another contract was awarded by NDDC for Jetty/Canalization/Reclamation & Shore Protection in Abia State.
CONTRACT SUM: *₦994,200,000.00*
That story of waste and deception is not isolated with regard to Abia. To worsen our case, unscrupulous politicians were involved in the rape of the people through “attracting” of project scams which involves going to NDDC with a proxy company to obtain road project contracts, collect millions of naira and return home to celebrate the “favor” with their unsuspecting people. Sometimes they start the project and execute part of it, commission the executed portion, abandon the remaining portion and get it marked as “completed” in NDDC records while the remaining funds are pocketed to be used in electioneering activities. After the election, the road is abandoned without regard to the effect of the excavated portion while at the same time obtaining the votes of the people by tricks. In other instances, they pass off the projects as their own personal acts of philanthropy and receive undeserving chieftaincy titles from the community and then abandon the project and zoom off to Lagos and Abuja to build mansions. The more audacious ones among them have no qualms building these mansions right there in their community among the people they easily rip off.
In a community in Bende, one NDDC contractor from the community was given a chieftaincy title for constructing water project the people never knew was an NDDC project. The sad story is that he collected 100% of the contract sum and only installed one water tank that has never had even a drop of water in its bowel. The same man proceeded to obtain new contracts from NDDC for the community including health center, road project etc without delivering anything reasonable after collecting payment.
Here is another list of NDDC contractors and contracts for your verification. The list is not an indictment on all the contractors as some did good jobs: it is for you to verify whether the project was done or not, in your community. If not executed, call any member of the verification committee and report immediately.
161. Remedy failed Section of NYSC Permanent Orientation Camp, Igbere to 14 Brigade, Ohafia. Bende/Ohafia. SWIBER AFRICA Ltd. 25th September 2017. ₦714,832,965.00. 100% Completed
162. Remedy failed section of Arochukwu Internal Roads, Arochukwu LGA. SOLBERG Nig. Ltd. 24th Nov. 2017. ₦614,044,669.88. 100% Completed
163. Remedy failed section of Ahia Afọr Amua Junction By Isi Ekata, Isialangwa Road, Isialangwa South. SOLBERG Nig. Ltd. 24th Nov. 2017. ₦670,681,551.75. 100% Completed
163. Remedy failed section of Arochukwu Atani-Ugwunagbo Roads. CRISM CONSTR. Ltd. 16th Oct. 2017. ₦536,505,745.13. 100% Completed
164. Repairs of Ikpokwu-Umukalu-Umuokwor, Ukwa West. GODON DEVELOPMENT Ltd. 10th August 2016. ₦328,699,218.75. 100% Completed
165. Supervision of Construction of Umuchichi 7up Road. Aba. PLETHORA VENTURES. 09th June 2015. ₦6,300,000.00. 100% Completed
166. Construction of Umunnemeze-Larinze Avenue Nkata Okpuala Road, Umuahia North. CHOMEN Nig. Ltd. 16th Oct. 2017. ₦244,250,700.00. 24% Completed
167. Construction of Umuchichi Seven Up Road Aba. PREHORCH OIL & GAS Ltd. 4th Feb. 2015. ₦138,431,158.00. 100% Completed
168. Emergency Repairs of Amaba Umuasaa Road, Isuikwuato A-NET CONTRACTORS Ltd. 10th August 2016. ₦103,937,632.05. 100% Completed
168. Emergency Repairs of Umuorie Ezebudele road Ukwa West. LAVENT Nig. Ltd.10th August. 2016. ₦110,022,937.50. 100% Completed
169. Remedy failed section of KM 0+000 – KM 3-300 Akirika – Azunmini road. Linking Aba section 1. Ukwa East. JORAGA CONSTRUCTION Ltd. 29th Nov. 2016. ₦670,350,961.88. 100% Completed
170. Remedy failed section of Umuagungolori farm Settlement road, Afugiri, Umuahia North. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL SERVICES Ltd. 29th November 2016. ₦292,922,232.75. 100% Completed
171. Remedy failed sections of Ikot Ekpene Road, Ikwuano. ASPHALT UNITY CONSTRUCTION Co. 29th Nov. 2016….(Not Clear..) ₦659,027,754.88. 100% Completed
172. Remedial works on failed section of Ozu Item road to Uzoakoli (Lot 2) Bende. SLOK ENGR. & CONSTRUCTION Ltd. 29th November 2016. ₦570,025,102.50. . 100% Completed
173. Remedial works on failed section of Ozu Item road to Uzoakoli (Lot 1) Bende. SLOK ENGR. & CONSTRUCTION Ltd. 29th November 2016. ₦467,465,561.06. 100% Completed
174. Remedial works on failed section of Umuahia – Ikot Ekpene Road, Ikwuano. ASPHALT UNITY CONSTRUCTION Ltd. 29th Nov. 2017. ₦659,027,754.79. 100% Completed
175. Remedial work on sections of 5KM World Bank Housing Internal Roads, Umuahia Township. A.T. SERVICES Ltd. 29th Nov. 2016. ₦549,588,453.73. 100% Completed
176. Remedy failed section of Azikiwe road – Aba Township road. ROUDO Nig. Ltd. 29th Nov. 2016. ₦706,457,180.63. 100% Completed
177. CONSTRUCTION OF OBOHIA – OHANKU – ABA ROAD with Spur to Ohambele- Obeaku (46.50km) Ukwa East. HERBERTECH NIG. Ltd. 5th November 09. ₦2,080,262,907.19. 42% Completed
178. Solar Powered Water Project at Umiobiaraola Community Umuahia South. LAWSON ADUMEIN NIG. LTD. 28th May 2012. Contract Sum: ₦91,594,794.54. 100% Completed
179. Solar Powered Water Project at Asa Okpuala, Apụ Ukwu, Isiala Obibi, Obingwa/Isiala Ngwa. MILBURGH ENGR. LTD. 30th May 2012. Contract Sum: ₦191,453,690.61. 100% Completed
180. Construction of Solar powered Water project at Umuadienwe Ukwa West LGA. ABSON NIG. LTD. March. 2011. ₦48,240,423.54. 100% Completed
181. Construction of Solar Powered Water At Obokwe Community In Ukwa West. BENJINET RESOURCES LTD. 31 May 2012.. 100% Completed
182. Construction of Solar Powered Water at Achara Ihechiowa, Arochukwu. CHUKADIBS NIG. LTD. 31 May 2012. ₦44,999,013.49. 100% Completed
183. Contract for the Solar Powered Water Project Umuokwo Ukwa West. CLENTEL NIG. LTD. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
184. Contract for Solar Powered Water Project at Elu Ohafia. Ohafia. EZI NE ENT. SERVICES. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
185. Contract for Solar powered project at Umuituru, Ukwa West. FENOVAC RESOURCES. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
186. Contract for Solar powered project at OZATA, ukwa West. GACON INT’L NIG LTD. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
187. Construction of Solar powered Water project at Obuagu Lakwesi Umunneochi LGA. GINSCON CONST. LTD. March 2011. ₦247,272,460.00. 100% Completed
188. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Umuorgu Ozaa Asa Ipu Group Communities, Ukwa West. GLOBAL MOTMA NIG. LTD. 27th May. 2010. ₦245,500,000.00. 100% Completed
189. Construction of Solar powered Water project Umuikukor. Ukwa West. 11th Feb. 2011. INDUSTRIAL CONST. PROPERTY CO. NIG. LTD. ₦24,397,623.75.. 100% Completed
190. Construction of Solar powered water project at Amuvi. AROCHUKWU. JIRAD VENTURES NIG. LTD. 27th May 2010. ₦178,000,000.00. 100% Completed
191. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Umuokobi Avodim Ubakala, Umuahia South. MABIS NIG. LTD. 31st May 2012. ₦49,040,932.54. 100% Completed
192. Contract for the solar powered water project at Akpai Mbato, Obingwa. MONCON NIG. AGENCY. 28th Nov. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
193. Construction of solar powered water project at Umuakpu, Isiala Ngwa South. MORUTUNS NIG. LTD. 27th May 2010. ₦178,000,000.00. 88% Completed
194. Contract for the solar powered water project at Umuoba, Isiala Ngwa North. MUTLICHASE NIG. LTD. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
195. Construction of Solar powered Water project at Eziukwu Arochukwu. NEBEN NIG. LTD. 27th May 2010. ₦109,570,080.91.. 100% Completed
196. Contract for the Solar powered water project at Akwete, Ukwa West. NIVESCO NIG. LTD. 18th Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
197. Contract for the Solar powered water project at Umudobia, Ukwa West. 18th Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19.. ODARU PETROLEUM LTD. 100% completed
198. Contract for the Solar powered Water Project at Obrette. (No LGA) OGUMS RESOURCES LTD. 22 Feb. 2011. ₦46,867,039.41. 100% Completed
199. Supply & Installation of Solar Powered Grunfos Pump & Panels for 4 Locations namely: Agbara, Ekureku, Ịkọt Ukap & Umuerulungwu Asa. PAMTRONICS NIG LTD. 13th Oct. 2006. ₦18,346,721.40. 100% Completed
200. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Oborhia, Asa in Ukwa West. POVO MEK. LTD. 11th Feb. 2011. ₦42,552,996.00. 100% Completed
201. Contract for Solar Powered water project at Umubulungwu Ozar. Ukwa West. POVO MEK LTD. 21st Nov. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
202. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Amavo. Osisioma. SAXON SERVICES LTD. 27th May 2010. ₦178,000,000.00. 100% Completed
203. Construction of Solar water project at Asa High School, Ukwa West. SKEMACH VENTURES. 2nd March 2011. ₦48,240,428.54. 100% Completed
204. Contract for the Solar Powered Water project at Ugwatti Community Ukwa West. STELLMAG RESOURCES. 5th Feb. 2007. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
205. Contract for the Solar Powered water Project at Umunteke, Ukwa West. TORDIP RESOURCES. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
206. Construction of Solar powered water project at Omoba Isiala Ngwa North. WICC LTD. 27th May 2010. ₦42,305,333.34. 100% Completed.
207. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Obuzor Ukwa West. EKEWHYTE ENGR. & CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD. 22nd Feb. 2011. ₦48,049,469.35. 100% Completed
208. Contract For the Solar Powered Water project at Obegu, Ugwunagbo. JOMO BACE SERVICES LTD. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 100% Completed
209. Award of contract for the Provision of Solar Powered Water Project at Mechanic Village Ohiya, Umuahia. MEGABIZ INTEGRATED GLOBAL NIG. LTD. Dec. 2014. ₦50,000,000.00. 0% Completed
210. Construction of Solar powered water project bat Ohia Ohu, Isingwa Autonomous Community, Isiala Ngwa North. PENETTA INTEGRATED SERVICES LTD. 4th Feb. 2015. ₦49,999,001.00. 0% Completed
211. Solar powered water project At Umuogalaba Owaza, Ukwa West. RUTOCHAN GLOBAL RESOURCES. 18th Dec. 2014. ₦49,999,001.00. 20% Completed
212. Construction of Solar powered Water project at Ipupe Umuahia South. BRIMSDUM NIG. LTD. 30th May 2012. ₦91,594,794.54. 15% Completed
213. Construction of Solar Powered water project at Umunneochi. (No exact Location) CASUB INT’L. LTD. March. 2011. ₦57,004,670.20. 42% Completed
214. Construction of Solar Powered water Project at Ibeku In Umuahia LGA. DALATU INT’L. 22nd Feb. 2011. ₦46,498,092.00. 50% Completed
215. Construction of Solar powered Water project at Umunwanwa Umuahia. DARPRECH NIG. LTD. 22nd Feb. 2011. ₦47,758,269.00. 60% Completed
216. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Obahu, Ukwa West. D- DROP NIG. LTD. 11th Feb. 2011. ₦48,178,369.99. 5% Completed
217. Contract For the Solar Powered water project at Ụmụaka Ukwa West. DELMOND RESOURCES. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 80% Completed
218. Construction of Solar powered water project at Egwena Girls Sec. School. Abiriba, Ohafia. DNANLEE RESOURCES. March 2011. ₦34,399,879.65. 100% Completed
219. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Umuokobi Avodim Ubakala. Umuahia South. E – COP JEE INTEGRATED SERVICES LTD. 31st May 2012. ₦49,500,850.00. 15% Completed
220. Solar powered water project at MGBOKO, OBINGWA. GONPEG RESOURCES. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 91% Completed.
221. Contract for the Solar powered water project at Umunteke Asa Ukwala, Obingwa. 3rd Oct. 2006. GOSHEN CONCEPT. ₦39,753,782.19. 30% Completed
222. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Owo Elu Asa. Ukwa West. INTERNATIONAL DEV. SERVICES LTD. March 2011. ₦48,240,424.54. 100% completed
223. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Mkporobe Ukwa East. MACEFA LTD. 11th Feb. 2011. ₦48,086,366.00. 46% Completed
224. Solar powered water project at Umuosu Nsulu in Isiala Ngwa North. MAYBERRY LTD. 30th May 2012. ₦39,753,782.19. 43% Completed
225. Construction of solar powered water project at Akanu, Ohafia. NENHEC LOGISTICS COY. LTD. March 2011. ₦43,370,980.80. 5% Completed
226. Construction of solar Powered water project at Obiagu / Lekwesi in Umunneochi. PAPAO LTD. 30th May 2012. ₦47,758,269.03. 80% Completed
227. Contract For the solar powered water project at Okohia Ipu. Ukwa West. 21st Nov. 2006. RAGAS NIG. LTD. ₦39,753,782.19. 95% Completed
228. Construction of and Installation of 20,000 gallons Tank and Tower (Solar System) at Okpuolaro Isiala Aro. Osisioma LGA. S & T TWIN SERVICES. March 2011. ₦94,007,767.00. 70% COMPLETED
229. Construction of Solar Powered Water project At Umunneochi (No exact Location) SAM KEZ NIG. LTD. 11th Feb. 2011. ₦48,240,426.54. 21% COMPLETED
230. Construction of Solar powered Water project at Egwuneleke / Umuohuru. Umuahia North. TOWER GATE ENG. CO. LTD. 11th Feb. 2011. ₦49,434,545.69. 19% COMPLETED
231. Construction of Solar Powered Water project at Egwunleke Umuohuru Umuahia North. TRICEE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS LTD. March. 2011. ₦94,004,768.00. 37% COMPLETED
232. Construction of Solar powered Water project at Umuiku Oza Ukwa West. WHOPLE NIG. LTD. March 2011. ₦50,169,750.00. 5% COMPLETED
233. Contract for the Solar Powered water project At Umuihie Odo Umuahia. BILECHI NIG. LTD. 3rd. Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.00. 80% COMPLETED
234. Contract for the Solar Powered water project at Umuiku Ukwa West. DAYAS NIG. LTD. 3rd Oct. ₦39,753,782.19. 0% COMPLETED
235. Contract For the Solar powered water project at Umuagbai Ukwa West. EVETTE VENTURES NIG. 21st Nov. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 30% COMPLETED
236. Contract for the solar Powered water project at St. Silas Sch. Old Umuahia. JIRAD NIG. LTD. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 90% COMPLETED
237. Contract for the Solar powered water project at Umuaghala Ukwa West. OMEN INT’L NIG. 21st Nov. 2006. ₦39,753,782.19. 40% COMPLETED
238. Contract for the Solar Powered water project at Owaza, Ukwa West. RESTSEK NIG. LTD. 3rd Oct. 2006. ₦39,307,822.95.. 60% COMPLETED
239. Umuelechi Water Scheme. Ukwa West. AIBEEGEE GLOBAL RESOURCES. 10 Dec. 2004. ₦23,307,822.95. 100% COMPLETED
240. Owaza Water Scheme. Owaza Ukwa West. AJIMAS & SONS LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦38,472,299.78. 100% COMPLETED
241. Rehabilitation of water Project At Umuelechi Ukwa West. AKOGATE VENTURES LTD. 27th May 2017. ₦35,224,505.40. 100% COMPLETED
242. Ọmụma Ụzọ Water Scheme. Ukwa West. BEKIN ABBY NIG. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦26,729,759.91. 100% COMPLETED
243. Umuorie Water Scheme. Ukwa West. BLAKE EXCELLENCE. 10th. Dec. 2004. ₦37,609,540.00. 100% COMPLETED
244. Afugiri Water Rehabilitation Umuahia North. DEEXEL LTD. 10 Dec. 2004. ₦432,655,240.91. 100% COMPLETED
245. Obiga Asa water scheme Ukwa West. IMICON ENGR. NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦42,694,213.28. 100% COMPLETED
246. Okeikpe Water Scheme. Ukwa West. L.A. NIGERIA LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦45,887,295.00. 100% COMPLETED
247. Arochukwu Water Scheme at Ùgwù Avo. Arochukwu. MANLAB EQUIPMENT LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦50,413,085.12. 100% COMPLETED
248. Umukalu Water Scheme. Ukwa West. R. LINDAS CO. (W.A) LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦38,176,440.00. 100% COMPLETED
249. Obodo Water Scheme. Obodo Isuikwuato. RICH SPRINGS NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦23,500,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
249. Obuohia Water Scheme. Ukwa East. SENIOR RESOURCES NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦44,664,739,35. 100% COMPLETED
250. Uzuaku Water Scheme. Ukwa West. VALORZ NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦19,253,863.17. 100% COMPLETED
251. Ugwunagbo Water Scheme. ZEELAXO NIG. LTD. Dec. 2014. ₦37,609,540.00. 100% COMPLETED
252. Award of Contract for the Construction of Motorized Borehole At Agbagwu Arochukwu. MILLERSCO & DESTED COY. Dec. 2014. ₦100,000,000.00. 0% COMPLETED
253. Construction of Ukwa West LGA regional water scheme. Phase II. TRANCERA ENGR. LTD. 18th June 2013. ₦249,000,000.00. 0% COMPLETED
254. Azumnin Water Scheme. Ukwa East. JOHNSON CONST. COY. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦47,623,001.90. 97% COMPLETED
255. Owoala Water Scheme. Ukwa West. OSPENNOV NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦26,657,108.50.. 93% COMPLETED
256. Construction of Overhead Tank at Amba Town. Isuikwuato. PTENG NIG. LTD. 15th Dec. 2004. ₦19,278,401.76. 86% COMPLETED
257. Ogwe Water Scheme. Ukwa West. SONFEN LTD. 10th Dec 2004. ₦38,095,489.00. 5% COMPLETED
258. Obehie Water Scheme. Ukwa West. JIRAD VENTURES NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦35,878,890.44. 80% completed
259. Construction of Motorized Borehole with Reticulation formation. Eziukwu Compound, Asapa Village, Arochukwu. SCEKU NIG. LTD. September 2017. ₦99,780,000.00. 0% COMPLETED
260. The Maintenance of NDDC water project in Abia State 3. Nos. (Lot Ukwa West. TONYCAT ENGR. NIG. LTD. 16th Oct. 2017. ₦99,800,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
261. For the Construction of Motorized Borehole at Amaukwu Ozaa. Ukwa West. WATERFRONT DEV. LTD. 16th Dec. 2014. ₦100,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
262. Construction of 6. CRM BLK. Ezi Ngbodo Obingwa. ADANNOK NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan 2002. ₦9,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
263. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. Ukwa East (No Exact Location) AERO GEODETIC SERVICES LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦9,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
264. Rehabilitation of Community Health Center & External Works. Afọr Ugiri. Umuahia North. ALCLECO NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦24,380,521.80. 100% COMPLETED
265. Construction of One Storey Hostel Blocks at Asa High School. Ukwa West. ANCO HERITAGE LTD. 30th May 2012. ₦249,500,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
266. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Umuojima, Osisioma. BEAG VENTURES. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
267. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Nuya, Umuahia. BAYTON SECURITY LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,360,712.56. 100% COMPLETED
268. Const. Of 6 CRM BLK. Isialangwa (No exact Location) BENWEN NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦12,533,261.31. 100% COMPLETED
269. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Mkporobe. Ukwa West. BRIGHT WAY NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.31. 100% COMPLETED
270. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Ibeku Ndume. Umuahia North. C.E HENZE NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
271. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Ohambele. Ukwa West. CAVE ENDS & EARTH LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
272. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Umuahala Ukwa West. CHRITRAX OIL & CHEM COY. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
273. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. Amachara, Umuahia South. 2nd Jan 2002. CHOMEN NIG. LTD. ₦9,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
274. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. Ovim. ISUIKWUATO. CLEM GEORGE NIG. LTD. 28th Oct. 2002. ₦10,288,893.37.. 100% COMPLETED
275. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. Ọhụrụ Ukwa West. COOL PARK NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦9,452,835.00. 100% COMPLETED
276. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. at elu, Ohafia. DONKAN INT’L NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan 2002. ₦9,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
277. Rehabilitation of Two (2 No) Nurses quarters. One (1no) Private Ward. Afọr Ugiri. Umuahia North. EDGEWOOD NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦24,514,804.14.. 100% COMPLETED
278. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. Isiala ngwa North (No exact Location) EDOH BUILDING LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦9,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
279. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Obibor. Ukwa West. EL – SIDKENNU & CO. LTD 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
280. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block, FUSSION LTD. Aba South. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,360,712.56. 100% COMPLETED
281. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. at Afara, Umuahia North. GATE RESOURCES NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦9,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
282. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block in Akwete. Ukwa West. GRACELAND O & G NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
283. Main Block Of NDDC standard cottage Hospital / Comprehensive Health Center at Ogbor Hill, Aba North. 30th May 2012. HARDWICK NIG LTD. 30th May 2012. ₦49,984,491.75. 100% COMPLETED
284. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block. Obehie Ukwa West. JOHN JOE ENT. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,404,660.38. 100% COMPLETED
285. Rehabilitation of Onukwu Community Sec. Sch. Owuwa Anyanwu, Ohafia. JOKKA NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦6,960,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
286. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. Arochukwu (No exact Location) KEAS NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan 2002. ₦19,812,257.00. 100% COMPLETED
287. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block Obiakpu. Ukwa West. LESS PHILL NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
288. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block Okohia, Ukwa West. LUBB UNION CONST. CO. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
289. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block at Owoasa Ukwa West. M/S L.C.E OJIEGO INTERBIZ LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETED
290. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block at Okagwe, Ohafia. MEDICARE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00.. 100% COMPLETED
291. Rehabilitation of and Conversion of Five Classroom & Two Staff Rooms at Isingwu Community Sec. Sch. Umuahia North. MULTI CHASE NIG. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦7,207,700.50. 100% COMPLETED
292. Completion of 1 No. Basic Health Center at Umuikukor. Ukwa West. NAGMAH NIG. LTD. 28th Oct. 2002. ₦23,802,146.06. 100% COMPLETED
293. Construction of 6 CRM BLK. Ndọrọ Ikwuano. O. C VENTURES LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦9,000,000.00. 100% COMPLETE
294. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block Orie Rameany. Umuahia North. OBITEX DEV. CO. LTD. 10th. Dec. 2004. ₦12,535,326.31. 100% COMPLETE
295. Construction of 6 CRM BLK. at Ugwunagbo (No exact Location) OJAZ NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦11,334,059.44. 100% COMPLETE
296. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block at Obahu Ukwa West. Onyeike Const. Coy. LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦12,750,000.00. 100% COMPLETE
297. Construction of 6 CRM BLK at Owaza, Ukwa West. PRINCE YOUNG NIG. LTD. 2nd Jan. 2002. ₦9,000,000.00..100% COMPLETE
298. Construction of 6 CRM. BLK. at Umuorie Ukwa west. REBON SERVICES NIG. LTD. 2nd. Jan. 2002. ₦9,000,000.00…100% COMPLETE
299. Construction of NDDC Model Six Classroom Block With An Office, A store and VIP toilet block at Ogbodi Umuahia South ROBINGRA RESOURCES. 10th Dec. 2004. 11,000,000.00…100% COMPLETE
300. Rehabilitation of Out Patient Section and Maternity Ward. (Kitchen line and Store) at Afọr Ugiri. Umuahia North. ROKYANA HOSPITAL LTD. 10th Dec. 2004. ₦16,277,424.66…100% COMPLETE