Otu Visits Victims of Calabar Gas Explosion, Commits to Universal Health Coverage

The governor of Cross River State Sen., Prince Bassey Edet Otu has reiterated the readiness of his administration to partner with relevant healthcare providers to achieve the United Nations Universal Health Coverage in the State.

Otu said this, Tuesday when he visited victims of gas explosions who are currently undergoing medical care at Peace Medical Centre, Efut Street, Calabar South. He maintained that affordable healthcare for all is a cardinal part of his administration’s plan towards achieving the goal.

Represented by his Chief of Staff, Hon. Emmanuel Ironbar,  the governor appreciated God and the people who assisted in evacuating the victims to the hospital, maintaining that the lives of all citizens are important, no matter their status ii.e.society.

“I want to appreciate God Almighty for keeping the victims alive and also the people of the Bayside community for immediately moving into action when the ugly incident occurred, to ensure that they did their best to save their lives.

“This is what our administration signifies, looking out for your neighbor and ensuring we are our brother’s keeper. It is by so doing that we can build a better and prosperous Cross River State. I want to also commend the management of this hospital for putting the lives of the people first, by commencing treatment even without any payment.

“I am happy that they are fast recovering, what we are appealing for is to ensure that adequate care is given to them so that they can fully recover as soon as possible.

“As a government, we are deliberate in delivering the dividends of democracy to our people. And we have identified affordable healthcare for all Citizens as a key development component to drive that process. That is why we are working so hard to ensure that we put in proper shape, all our primary health care centers across the state, to enable us to achieve universal health for all”

He assured of the government’s willingness to take care of hospital bills as well as partner with the hospital in many other areas.

Responding, the Medical Director of the hospital, Dr.  Edet Attih appreciated the state governor for always looking out for the welfare of the people, maintaining that he was hopeful the state would flourish under the leadership of Sen.Prince Bassey Otu as governor.

“It is very touching to receive you here today, this visit shows that the government of Sen. Prince Bassey Otu is indeed that of the People First. By the grace of God and with the support of some of the appointees of the government who came here earlier to render financial assistance, we were able to pass the most dangerous stage in burnt management, now I can say that they are responding to treatment and doing well.

” It is because of the People First mantra of the governor and the fact that some of us have known him for a long time as a man of his words, who looks out for the good of all, that we do what we did”

Mr. Prince Effiom, his pregnant wife Joy Prince, his daughter, and a year-old child were involved in a gas explosion that occurred at their residence at No 10 Tete Street, Calabar South.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Hon Emmanuel Ironbar also visited a renowned Compere in the state, Elder Eyo Nsa Ekpe at his residence and assured him of the state government’s desire to assist him get back on his feet..

The veteran Compere has been hospitalized for months after he was diagnosed with an undisclosed illness.

Accompanied by other top government officials,  Hon. Ironbar assured him that the government will do everything to ensure he gets back on his feet.

Reacting, Elder Ekpe who was visibly excited, appreciated the team for their visit and solicited the prayers of all Cross Riverians to enable him to get back on his feet.

“This is one visit I never expected, so for the state government to remember me on my sick bed, it means that this administration is indeed that of the People First. It is my prayer that God will continue to bless all of you, the governor, and indeed the entire state.

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