Best Graduating Student Calls Out Adamu Garba for Suggesting Nigerians Come Back

Former Presidential candidate, Adamu Garba has called on Nigerians leaving in diaspora to come back home, a first class student responded to the call and pointed why he will never return to Nigeria.

He said that he graduated best from Petroleum Training Institute and was sent to France on scholarship by Former President Goodluck Jonathan.

Upon return, he tried to get a job and passed the tests but unfortunately, Northerners who never wrote the test were interviewed and employed right in his presence.

He said that such mediocrity is what is drawing Nigeria backward.

Read the thread…

“To do what ? Lemme give u a personal account. I will t be speaking for Nigerians . Just myself . 2000 my father died . 2003, my mother sold her rapper and jewelries so I can enroll WAEC and NECO . 2005 December I got admitted into Petroleum Training Institute…

2012 I graduated the best in my class Electrical & Electronic Engineering . Go to my dept in Warri , my name is still up there . No one came close in graduating year of 2012. After graduation, I worked in the Dept till it was time for NYSC . Moved to France at completion Through govt scholarship under GEJ. Studied my life out in low and medium voltage electricity distribution. Electrical automation to mention a few . Came back and Petroleum Training Institute was recruiting at the time . Flew to Abuja 3 times to write the exams with my last card at the time. Computer based test . U see ur scores immediately u submit. I passed all cut off . Now here’s the gist . I qualified for and NEVER got interviewed. I was at the civil service commission during the interview phase. Myself and my HOD then watched …

Helplessly as ur brothers from the north (some of which never took the rigorous exams we were made to go through) strolled in , got interviewed and worked out with employment letters. I’ll never forget the look on my HOD’s face that day. It gets better , few months after I was called by an engineer. Core northern Muslim (to be fair he was sad I didn’t get the job) to come to his office . I went cos he’s my friend and we sometimes work together . He told me and I quote “Mr JohnCoach please help our new Staff (northern Muslim) with ur lecture notes.

Just show him around EEC courses. As a permanent staff his salary shld be at least 250k why I took home nada as an intern still after all the schooling in France . That was the day I stopped working. Unless u want me to curse you sir @adamugarba , you’ll never ask me to come back home. Plus come back and die by ur non functional govt who sees everyone who calls their BS out as treasonous?

I am HOME . I’ve never felt this secure my entire life. Go to PTi in Warri Delta state . Go to Elect Elect dept. Ask of Aminu. Tell him I said hi . Ask him to explain Ohm’s law for you. Come back and weep for you Federal Character’ed Nigeria. Cheers ✌🏿

Recall that feel days ago, Mr Adamu told women to aspire to be called a ‘wife’ than a CBN governor.

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