The Arochukwu Royal Palace has reacted to claims that the Eze Aro of Arochukwu Kingdom, His Eminence Dr Eberechukwu Oji has been dismissed by a High Court, with the judge stating that the monarch was never crowned.
According to a Press Statement signed by Mazi Patrick Asonye, Director of Media of the Royal Palace, the information contained in the stories are presented with lots of lies and half truths, and have no consequence on the Arochukwu monarch, Dr Eberechuwku Eni Oji.
The statement, listed facts about the said court judgment even as it encouraged Umu Aro to remain firm and be assured that the Eze Aro remains on the throne and no court has dismissed him as the reports claimed.
The Press Statement reads:
“Our attention has been drawn to a 10-paragraph press release captioned “Court Update on Eze Aroship”dated August 1, 2024 and signed by a certain Mazi Dr Agodi Kanu, who claims to be Director of Palace Communication. In fact, he is an impostor as no such Office exists in Arochukwu Palace.

“Ordinarily, we would not have bothered to honor the author of that press release with a response but for the benefit of Umu Aro and the public who might be deceived by the antics associated with a dying horse struggling with its lasts kicks. We wish, therefore, to make the following clarifications:
“The Judge that gave the July 31, 2024 ruling at the High Court of Umunneochi had previously demonstrated obvious bias in the matter of Eze Aro legal tussle which necessitated a written petition against him on July 8, 2024. His alleged relationship with the immediate past administration of Abia State is one instance.
“Secondly, it’s been proven that some disgruntled politicians of Aro extraction are the sponsors of this legal mischief, hoping to latch on the Eze Aro throne tussle to revive their dying political career at the expense of corporate Aro interests. They will not succeed”
“Sequel to the petition, the Chief Judge of Abia State, Hon Justice Lilian Abai, had directed the presiding Judge, Justice Chido Nwakanma to return the case file to the Office of the CJ for reassignment
It is pertinent to note that the same Justice Nwakanma had made attempts to scuttle the Coronation ceremony of His Eminence, Dr Eberechukwu Oji, of July 27, 2024 by abridging the earlier date of ruling from July 31, 2024 to July 19, 2024.
“Sensing that Justice Nwakanma was probably up to some mischief, the legal team of Eze Aro, Dr Eberechukwu Oji, petitioned the Chief Judge of Abia State on the matter.
Sadly, Justice Nwakanma disregarded the CJ’s directive to return the case file, rather he delivered a laughable ruling on the earlier scheduled date of July 31, 2024 without sending Hearing Notice to Eze Aro legal team as is procedurally required by law.
“In view of the above, Umu Aro and the public should note the following about the ruling of 31 July, 2024 which has been purposely misinterpreted to cause confusion in Arochukwu kingdom:
“The ruling by Justice Chido Nwakanma is an Injunctive Order that has already been Appealed; Stay of Execution and Motion to Set Aside promptly filed;
It is NOT a Final Judgment of the Court on this Matter, but only an Interim Order.
“Let it be made abundantly clear that Agodi Kanu, in his press release, is purveying falsehood by claiming that Dr Ebecrechukwu Oji was never crowned as Eze Aro.
Also, his intention to deceive Umuaro and the public that the court has directed Abia State Government to retrieve the Staff of Office from Eze Aro, Dr Eberechukwu Oji and issue same to a certain Godwin Idei is manifestly contradictory. Which Staff of Office is Agodi referring to now, if Dr Eberechukwu Oji is not previously crowned? Nothing can be farther from the truth!
In fact, Agodi’s propaganda is a familiar antics adopted by him and his cohorts to give the impression of hope that does not exist anywhere.
“We wish to inform Umu Aro that the purported intention of rolling out the so-called reforms, strengthening institutions in Arochukwu Kingdom and restoring dwindling glory are figments of the imagination of a delusional character, who is, at best, day dreaming.
“We wish to reassure Umuaro that Arochukwu kingdom remains calm, peaceful and still in a celebratory mood following the highly successful Coronation Celebration of His Eminence, Dr Eberechukwu Oji as Eze Aro IX.
Indeed, all the leadership echelons in Arochukwu Kingdom, starting from Eze Ezi, Eze Ogo of the 19 villages and the kindred Ezes have been engaged in productive meetings with His Eminence, Eze Aro on the forth-coming Ikeji Arochukwu 2024 festival, which authentic calendar has just been released.
Umu Aro are encouraged to go about their normal businesses and ignore some unrepentant mischief makers and professional purveyors of falsehood.
Mazi Patrick Asonye,
Director Media;
For Arochukwu Royal Palace